Tag Archive for: Mohammed Rustom

Fallen in Love:Ayn  al-Qudat on Satan as Tragic Lover (updated 2024) – Mohammed Rustom

Ayn  al-Qud~t on Satan as Tragic  Lover


Like every student of Sufism, I have always benefited from Professor Danner’s scholarship, particularly his
pathbreaking translation of and commentary upon Ibn ʿAṭāʾ Allāh’s Ḥikam or Aphorisms. I also spent a good deal
of time as a graduate student reading his 1970 Harvard University PhD thesis on Ibn ʿAṭāʾ Allāh, and since then have had many opportunities to delve into his writings, such as his still unmatched survey article on the development of Sufism that was published in 1987 in the first volume of Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s excellent edited collection of articles entitled Islamic Spirituality. One of the motifs recurrent in Professor Danner’s thoughtful and carefully documented research is the role of the spiritual master along the Sufi path. This makes perfect sense, given how much time he spent reading the great masters of the Sufi tradition and meditating on the significance of the student-teacher relationship in various traditional and modern Sufi contexts. In one of his articles going back to

Decolonizing Quranic Studies –  Joseph E. B. Lumbard


The legacy of colonialism continues to influence the analysis of the Quran in the Euro-American academy. While Muslim lands are no longer directly colonized, intellectual colonialism continues to prevail in the privileging of Eurocentric systems of knowledge production to the detriment and even exclusion of modes of analysis that developed in the Islamic world for over a thousand years. This form of intellectual hegemony often results in a multifaceted epistemological reductionism that denies efficacy to the analytical tools developed by the classical Islamic tradition. The presumed intellectual superiority of Euro-American analytical modes has become a constitutive and persistent feature of Quranic Studies, influencing all aspects of the field. Its persistence prevents some scholars from encountering, let alone employing, the analytical tools of the classical Islamic tradition and presents obstacles to a broader discourse in the international community of Quranic Studies scholars. Acknowledging the obstacles to which the coloniality of knowledge has given rise

Ayn al-Qudāt. The Essence of Reality: A Defense of Philosophical Sufism. Mohammed Rustom (ed. and trans.). New York: New York University Press, 2022. xxx + 241 pages. ISBN: 9781479816590.

An Interview with Abdel Baki Meftah, Algerian Master of Akbarian Teachings Hany Ibrahim and Mohammed Rustom

Interview With Abdel Baki Meftah (JMIAS 72, 2022)

La gran cadena de laconciencia:Todaslas cosas poseenconciencia? –

Dr. C. Mohammed RustomProfesor de Pensamiento Islámico enla Universidad de Carleton, Canadá Traducción Karen Martnez García


“Caring for the Ill” – Kristin Zahra Sands


God will say on the Day of Resurrection, “O child of Adam, I was sick but you did not visit me.”  [The child of Adam] says, “My Lord, how could I visit you when you are the Lord of all beings?”  God says, “But didn’t you know that my servant so-and-so was sick and yet you did not visit him?  Did you not know that if you had visited him, you would have found me present with him? O son of Adam, I asked you for food but you did not feed me.”  [The child of Adam] says, “My Lord, how could I feed you when you are the Lord of all beings?”  God says, “Didn’t you know that my servant so-and-so asked you for food and you did not feed him?  If you had given him food, you would have found that in my presence.  O son of Adam, I was thirsty but you did not give me water.”  [The child of Adam] says, “My Lord, how could I give you water when you are the Lord of all beings?”  He says, “My servant so-and-so asked you for water but you did not give it to him.  If you had given him water, you would have found that in my presence.”

Sands_Caring For The Ill

From the Divine to the Human: New Perspectives on Evil, Suffering, and the Global Pandemic Program – Jun 28-30, 2022


Details including registration can be found at:


Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī, On Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration. Kitāb dhamm al-kibr wa’l-ʿujb. Book XXIX of The Revival of the Religious Sciences. Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn, translation with introduction and notes by Mohammed Rustom.

Zaleski Review (JSS 11.1, 2022)