Tag Archive for: Mohammed Rustom

La crise de coeur – Mohammed Rustom


Rumijeve poeme oslovljavaju najbitnije obzire ljudskog postojanja (Preporod 51.23, 2021)

Rumijeve Poeme Oslovljavaju Najbitnije Obzire Ljudskog Postojanja (Preporod 51.23, 2021)

The Qur’an in the Thought of Ibn ‘Arabi (Routledge Companion to the Qur’an, 2022)


“Paul Nwyia once wrote that the early Sufis were engaged in “the Qur’anization of memory,”1 a process that Ibn ޏArabī (d. 1240) seems to have taken to its logical extreme. By his time the various fields of Islamic learning had become subdivided into many specialties, some of which had little apparent connection with the founding revelation. His immense and highly sophisticated output, energized by the vision of tawhīd, reintegrated and harmonized these sciences – especially jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence, Sufism, Kalam, and philosophy – by tying them back explicitly to the Qur’an, even if he did not do this in any systematic manner. 2 Like the Qur’an, he writes, his style does not follow standard rational procedures, deriving instead from the very roots of reality itself.3 Although he constantly interprets Qur’anic verses and terminology, he does so from a variety of shifting standpoints, so the whole range of his explications did not fit into any specific genre (such as ishāra as exemplified by Qushayrī’s, d. 1074, Latā if al-ishārāt, or tawīl like the commentary of ޏAbd al-Razzāq Kāshānī, d. circa 1330). As for the systematic versions of his teachings that spread to every corner of the Islamic world, these were the work of his followers and tended to obscure the fact that his formulations were typically offered as explanations of the sacred text”

‘AYN AL-QUDAT’S QUR’ANIC VISION From black words to white parchment* – Mohammed Rustom


“‘Ayn al-QuঌƗt HamadƗnƯ (d. 1131) was a mystic, philosopher, theologian, and judge who was born in the western Iranian city of Hamadan. He was the student of Aতmad al-GhazƗlƯ (d. 1126),1 the brother of Abnj ণƗmid al-GhazƗlƯ (d. 1111), and is best known as a maverick-like figure who was put to death by the Seljuq government at the tender age of 34, ostensibly on charges of “heresy”.2 Looking beyond the causes surrounding his state-sponsored execution and to his writings, ‘Ayn al-QuঌƗt emerges as a first-rate thinker who was thoroughly con- versant in the Islamic intellectual sciences, along with Arabic and Persian poetry. One of ‘Ayn al-QuঌƗt’s greatest achievements was the original manner in which he tied the seemingly”

'Ayn Al-Qudat's Qur'anic Vision (Routledge Handbook On Sufism) (1)

Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy: Mullā Sadrā on Existence, Intellect, and Intuition – Ibrahim Kalin


Ibrahim Kalin’s Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy is an investigation into the epis- temology of the famous Safavid philosopher Mullā Sadrā Shīrāzī (d. 1640). Such a study is an event in itself, owing to the fact that although there are some twenty books on various aspects of Sadrā’s thought in European languages, this wide- ranging dimension of his philosophy has not received the attention it rightly deserves. Kalin approaches Sadrā’s theory of knowledge through a detailed analysis of his treat- ment of a particular issue in the history of philosophy, namely the problem dealing

Review Of Kalin, Knowledge In Later Islamic Philosophy (IS 45.3, 2012)

An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia 4


The series “An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia” is a massive multi-volume project that seeks to give coverage to Persia’s rich philosophical heritage, from its pre-Islamic past down to the end of the nineteenth century CE. Etymologically, the word “anthology” refers to a “gathering” or “selection” of flowers. The Persian sensibility to flora notwithstanding, it therefore makes perfect sense that the editors – both eminent scholars of Islamic philosophy – would choose such a format, which allows for the broadest possible presentation of a diverse range of materials. Indeed, when the fifth and final volume is published, the full series will present over

Review Of Nasr And Aminrazavi (eds.), An Anthology Of Philosophy In Persia 4 (ICMR 25.2, 2014)

Devil’s Advocate: ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s Defence of Iblis in Context – Mohammed Rustom


The writings of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt Hamadānī (d. 525/1131) anticipate some of the major trends that characterize the post-Avicennan ḥikmat tradition. But modern scholarship has as of yet not completely come to grips with the far-reaching implications of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s teachings, many of which are framed in terms of the symbolic language and imagery of the Persian Sufi school of passionate love (madhhab-i ʿishq) and the defence of the devil’s monotheism (tawḥīd-i Iblīs). The focus in this article will be upon this lat- ter aspect of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s Sufi doctrine. Upon closer inspection, his “Satanology” (for lack of a better term) turns out to not only be concerned with a defence of the devil as a tragic, fallen lover of God; it is also intimately related to our author’s robust theodicy, as well as his theory of human freedom and constraint. At the same time, ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s defence of Iblis demonstrates his understanding of philosophical and theological discourse as themselves symbolic representations of another, higher form of being and knowing.

Devil's Advocate (SI 115.1, 2020)

Review of Kaukua, Self-Awareness in Islamic Philosophy – Mohammed Rustom

Review Of Kaukua, Self-Awareness In Islamic Philosophy (JAOS 138.1, 2018)