Articles on Sufism
- The Experience and Doctrine of Love in Ibn Arabi by Claude Addas
- On the Divine Love of Beauty by Pablo Beneito
- The Imprint of the Bezels of the Wisdom – Ibn Arabi’s own summary of the Fusus al-Hikam translated by William Chittick
- The Perfect Man as the Prototype of the Self in the Sufism of Jami by William C. Chittick
- The Circle of Spiritual Ascent According to al-Qunawi by William C. Chittick
- The Divine Roots of Human Love by William C. Chittick
- The Evolutionary Psychology of Jalal al-Din Rumi by William C. Chittick
- Reason, Intellect, and Consciousness in Islamic Thought by William C. Chittick
- The Nature of Man, Universal Man By William Chittick
- Themes of Love in Islamic Mystical Theology by William Chittick
- The Need for Need by William C. Chittick
- The Bodily Positions of the Ritual Prayer by William Chittick
- Friendship and Love in Islamic Spirituality by William C. Chittick
- Mysticism versus Philosophy in Earlier Islamic History: The Al-Tusi, Al-Qunawi Correspondence by William C. Chittick
- Visionary Dreams in Islamic Spirituality by Henry Corbin
- Practical Sufism an Akbarian Foundation by Vincent Cornell
- Women and the Feminine in the Islamic Mystical Tradition by Maria Masse Dakake
- Guest of the Inmost Heart, Conceptions of the Divine Beloved among Early Sufi Women by Maria M.Dakake
- Islamic Mysticism by Victor Danner
- Controversies over Ibn Arabi’s Fusus: The Faith of Pharaoh by Carl W. Ernst
- Haqiqa and Sharia in Islam by Rene Guenon (Shaykh Abd al-Wahid Yahya)
- The Encounter with Mystery by John Herlihy
- Ibn Sina and Mysticism – Part 4 of the Isharaat wa Tanbihaat Translated by Shams Inati
- Is God Obliged to Answer Prayers of Petition, The Response of Classical Sufis and Quranic Exegetes by A. Khalil
- Tawba in the Sufi Psychology of Abu Talib al-Makki by Atif Khalil
- The Divine-Human Interplay of Gratitude in the Non-Dualism of Ibn al-Arabi by A. Khalil
- Prayers of Supplication (Dua) in Classical Islam by Atif Khalil
- Sufism and Orientalism by Atif Khalil & Shiraz Sheikh
- Islam: Sufism and Poetry by Patrick Laude
- The Method by Martin Lings
- Sufi Answers to Questions on Ultimate Reality by Martin Lings
- From Hubb to ‘Ishq – The Development of Love in Early Sufism by Joseph Lumbard
- Women of Light in Sufism by Sachiko Murata
- Al-Tariqah – the Spiritual Path of Islam by Seyyed Hossein Nasr (1965)
- Sufism and the Perennity of the Mystical by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- The Complementarity of Contemplative and Active Lives in Islam by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- God Is Reality – Metaphysical Knowledge and Spiritual Realization by Seyyed Hossein Nasr (1984)
- The Complementarity of Contemplative and Active Lives in Islam by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- Psychology, Eschatology, and Imagination in Mulla Sadra’s commentary on the Hadith of Awakening by Mohammed Rustom
- Approaches to Proximity and Distance in Early Sufism by Muhammed Rustom
- Beyond Metaphysical Idolatry by Mohammed Rustom
- Ibn Arabi on Proximity and Distance by Muhammed Rustom
- Forms of Gnosis in Sulami’s Sufi Exegesis of the Fatiha by Muhammed Rustom
- The Ocean of Nonexistence by Muhammed Rustom
- The Sufi Teachings of Dhul Nun by Muhammad Rustom
- Philosophical Sufism (Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy, 2016) by Mohammed Rustom
- Dawud al-Qaysari-Notes on his Life, Influence and Reflections on the Muhammadan Reality by Muhammed Rustom
- Forms of Gnosis in Sulami’s Sufi Exegesis of the Fatiha by Muhammed Rustom
- Remarks on the Sunnah by Frithjof Schuon
- The Two Paradises by Frithjof Schuon
- The Three Dimensions of Sufism by Frithjof Schuon
- The Spiritual Virtues by Frithjof Schuon
- The Three Dimensions of Sufism by Frithjof Schuon
- Remarks on the Sunnah by Fritjof Schuon
- Norms and Paradoxes in Spiritual Alchemy by Frithjof Schuon
- Jesus in the Quran: Selfhood and Compassion – An Akbari Perspective by Reza Shah-Kazemi