Entries by simar

La Grande chaîne de la conscience – Par Mohammed Rustom

“Dans son Essai sur l’homme, le poète britannique Alexander Pope proposait au XVIIIèsiècle une formulation succincte d’une ancienne doctrine philosophique de la réalité. Cettedoctrine, à laquelle Arthur Lovejoy a donné le nom de “grande chaîne des êtres,” soutientque l’existence est une structure organique, entremêlée et hiérarchisée, reposant sur lesdegrés décroissants d’états de l’existence. La réalité […]

A new light on the Sufi network of Mindanao (Philippines) – Oman Fathurahman

“This article attempts to fill the gap in the very limited knowledge of the history of Islam and Muslim intellectual tradition in Mindanao in the 19th century. It particularly deals with a set of primary sources of Islamic manuscripts recently found in the Lanao area of Mindanao, southern Philippines, which formerly belonged to a Maranao […]

Nearness to the Real: Sainthood as Ontological Proximity in the Thought of Dāwūd al-Qayṣarī -Arthur Schechter

Abstract: “This article presents the theory of sainthood found in the writings of Dāwūd al-Qayṣarī (d. 751/1350), a majorcommentator on the Sufi thought of Ibn ʿArabī (d. 638/1240). Building on previous philosophical interpretations of IbnʿArabī’s thought to systematize the worldview now known as the “Oneness of Being” (waḥdat al-wujūd), Qayṣarī also developed a sophisticated theory […]

Fasting in Early Sufi Literature [Oxford Journal of Islamic Studies] – Atif Khalil

Abstract: In Plato’s Phaedo we encounter a dialogue between Socrates and Cebes around the nature of the soul and its relation to the body. The soul we learn is divine-like, deathless, intelligent, uniform, indissoluble and of course invisible, while the body in contrast is mortal, multiform, changing, soluble and visible. If the body gains mastery […]