Entries by simar

Mulla Rajab, On the Necessary Being and The Fundamental Principle

Abstract: Translated for this volume by Mohammed Rustom from Mullā Rajab ʿAlī Tabrīzī,Ithbāt-i wājib in Sayyid Jalāl al-Dīn Āshtiyānī and Henry Corbin, ed., Anthologie des philosophes iraniens depuis le XVII siècle jusqu’à nos jours (Tehran, 1972–1975),vol. 1, pp. 220–243.e

Islam and the Problem of Evil by Timothy Winter

Abstract: “Islam’s theological, ethical and mystical traditions have adopted a range of approaches to the question of evil. They share, however, a rootedness in the Qur ’ān, a text which repeatedly attends to the fact of human suffering, having emerged in a society which it proclaimed to be miserably deluded by false belief and custom […]

An Interview with Ekrem Demirli, Turkey’s Leading Scholar of Ibn ʿArabi and Qunawi

Abstract: “Ekrem Demirli (www.ekremdemirli.com/) is Professor of SufiStudies at Istanbul University (Faculty of Theology, Department of Tasawwuf), and Turkey’s foremost scholar of IbnʿArabi and Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi. Below is the edited transcript of an interview which I conducted with him concerning his life and work. Professor Demirli’s responses were given in Turkish and translated into […]


THE SUBJECT OF JERUSALEM is an extremely significant one for both spiritual and obviously mundane reasons. For men and women of faith, especially those who belong to the world of Abrahamic monotheism, it is of both immediate and ultimate concern…………… Nasr_Article_The Spiritual Significance Of Jerusalem_The Islamic Vision (1999)

The Great Chain of Consciousness :Do All Things Possess Awareness?

Abstract: In An Essay on Man, the eighteenth-century British poet Alexander Pope offers a succinct formulation of an age-old philosophical doctrine about reality. This doctrine, which Arthur Lovejoy refers to as the “great chain of being,” maintains that existence is hierarchi- cal and organically linked, structured as it is upon the descending degrees of being. […]

Rajab Ali Tabrizi Refutation of Sadrian metaphysics

Amongst the most formidable opponents of the metaphysics of Mulla Sadra (d, 1045 AH/1636 or 1050 AH/1640) during the Safavid period was his student and son-in-law ‘Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji (d. 1071 AH/1661-2).’ Unlike Muhsin Fayd Kashani (d, 1091 AH/1680),’ Sadras other son-in­ law and student, Lahiji’s writings were primarily within the tradition of post-Avicennian Islamic […]

The End of Islamic Philosophy by Mohammed Rustom

Islamic traditional teachings are couched in a language which is not easily understood by many contemporary men, especially those with a modern education. The old treatises were usually written in a syllogistic language which is no longer prevalent today. What must be done is to disengage the content of Islamic philosophy from the language which […]

Forgotten Truth: The Common Vision of the World’s Religions

People have a profound need to believe that the truth they perceive is rooted in the unchanging depths of the universe; for were it not, could the truth be really important? Yet how can we so believe when others see truth differently? Archaic peoples, wrapped like cocoons in their tribal beliefs, did not face this […]

Aḥmad al-Ghazālī’s Metaphysics of Love (edited by JOSEPH E.B. LUMBARD)

To understand the content of Aḥmad al-Ghazālī’s writings and sermons, one must also examine their form. In his attempts to transport his audience to the truth of which he is certain and to actualize the realization of it within them, Aḥmad al-Ghazālī is ever aware of the limitations inherent to words…………….. Amad_al-Ghazali_Remembrance_and_the_Met