Entries by simar

The Qur’an in the Thought of Ibn ‘Arabi (Routledge Companion to the Qur’an, 2022)

Abstract: “Paul Nwyia once wrote that the early Sufis were engaged in “the Qur’anization of memory,”1 a process that Ibn ޏArabī (d. 1240) seems to have taken to its logical extreme. By his time the various fields of Islamic learning had become subdivided into many specialties, some of which had little apparent connection with the […]

Journal of Islamic Philosophy 6: A Special Issue on Mulla Sadra

Abstract: “Mohammed Rustom is Professor of Islamic Thought at Carleton University. He has been the recipient of a number of academic distinctions and prizes such as the Ibn ‘Arabi Society Latina’s Tarjuman Prize (Spain), a Templeton Foundation/University of Birmingham Global Philosophy of Religion grant (USA/UK), a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Fellowship (Canada), the […]

One Step to God: ‘Ayn al-Qozat on the Journey of the Heart – Mohammed Rustom

Abstract: “An age-old myth is that ‘Ayn al-Qozat was put to death by the “orthodox” Seljuqs because his teachings squarely contradicted mainstream Muslim theology. But as we now know, the reasons for his death had nothing to do with his ideas and were largely political. ‘Ayn al-Qozat, a very prominent voice in Hamadani society and […]

Philosophical Sufism in the Sokoto Caliphate: The Case of Shaykh Dan Tafa – Oludamini Ogunnaike

Abstract: It has long been assumed that the discipline of falsafa (Islamic philosophy) died out in the Western lands of the Islamic world after the fall of Andalusia, and that philosophical intellectual work was largely limited to the disciplines of theology (kalām) and Sufism (taṣawwuf). Moreover, the more creative and discursive tradition of theoretical of philosophical Sufism […]


Abstract: İbn Arabî, geçen 800 yıl zarfında bir an dü-şünüldüğünde ilk akla gelen en tesirli vehakkında en çok tartışılan Müslüman düşü-nürdür. Tasavvuf geleneği onu Şeyhül Ekberolarak adlandırır. Bu, İslâmiyet’in bâtınî öğ-retilerinin en önde gelen şârihi olduğu anla-mına gelir. Günümüz akademi dünyası haklıolarak böylesine büyük ünvanlara şüpheci bakıyor olsa da bu ünvanın tamamıyla yersizolmadığını gösterir pek çok ipucu […]