Entries by simar

Philosophical Sufism in the Sokoto Caliphate: The Case of Shaykh Dan Tafa – Oludamini Ogunnaike

Abstract: It has long been assumed that the discipline of falsafa (Islamic philosophy) died out in the Western lands of the Islamic world after the fall of Andalusia, and that philosophical intellectual work was largely limited to the disciplines of theology (kalām) and Sufism (taṣawwuf). Moreover, the more creative and discursive tradition of theoretical of philosophical Sufism […]


Abstract: İbn Arabî, geçen 800 yıl zarfında bir an dü-şünüldüğünde ilk akla gelen en tesirli vehakkında en çok tartışılan Müslüman düşü-nürdür. Tasavvuf geleneği onu Şeyhül Ekberolarak adlandırır. Bu, İslâmiyet’in bâtınî öğ-retilerinin en önde gelen şârihi olduğu anla-mına gelir. Günümüz akademi dünyası haklıolarak böylesine büyük ünvanlara şüpheci bakıyor olsa da bu ünvanın tamamıyla yersizolmadığını gösterir pek çok ipucu […]

Journal of Sufi Studies Review of Poetry in Praise of Prophetic Perfection

Abstract: “Scholarship on Islam in Africa has long been in need of comprehensive work on West African madīḥ (i.e. Arabic poetry in praise of the Prophet Muhammad).Recent articles have explicitly called for such an endeavor,󰀱 and the time has come to fully exorcise the “Islam noir” specter󰀲 that has compelled those who write on West African madīḥ to characterize it pejoratively as, […]

The Importance of Sufism in Chinese Islam (with Sachiko Murata)

Abstract: “Cemalnur Sargut Hocam asked us to say something about the significance of the Kenan Rifai Chair of Islamic Studies at Peking University, which we inaugurated in the Spring of 2012. As many of you know, the Kenan Rifai Chair is housed in Te Institute of Advanced Humanistic Studies. The Institute was founded by Professor u Weiming in 2010 shortly after […]

Actionless Action – Mohammed Rustom

Abstract: “It has indeed been a blessing to sit with the great Kenan Rifai’s commentary upon book one of Mevlana’s Mesnevi .Spending time with this book naturally led me to Kenan Rifai’s explanation of a famous tale in the Mesnevi  centered around ‘Ali b. Abi Talib tale is retold from Islamic tradition and is cast in Mevlana’s unique terms […]

Rūmī on Traveling the Path of the Prophet – William Chittick

Abstract: “Rūmī saw himself as belonging to the line of prophets (anbiyā ) and saints (awliyā ), the God-given function of whom is to guide the human race. He had a great deal to say about most sorts of Islamic teachings, as can be verified by the traditional commentaries on the Mathnawī  or modern studies like that of Jalāl […]