Tirmidhi’s Kitāb al-‘Ilal – annotated translation – Jonathan Brown
Abū ʿĪsā [al-Tirmidhī] said: All the ḥadīths in this book are acted on in law, taken as proof by at least some of the People of Knowledge, with the exception of two ḥadīths. * The first is the ḥadīth of Ibn ʿAbbās that the Prophet (ṣ) joined his Noon and Afternoon prayers, and his Evening and Night prayers while in Medina without [the excuses] of danger, being in a state of travel or rain. The second is the ḥadīth of the Prophet (ṣ) that he said, “If someone drinks wine, whip him, and if he does it four times then kill him.” We have pointed out the flaws in both these two ḥadīths in this book.