Tag Archive for: Sufism

An Interview with Ekrem Demirli, Turkey’s Leading Scholar of Ibn ʿArabi and Qunawi


“Ekrem Demirli (www.ekremdemirli.com/) is Professor of SufiStudies at Istanbul University (Faculty of Theology, Department of Tasawwuf), and Turkey’s foremost scholar of IbnʿArabi and Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi. Below is the edited transcript of an interview which I conducted with him concerning his life and work. Professor Demirli’s responses were given in Turkish and translated into English by Sultan Adanir Salihoglu”


The Great Chain of Consciousness :Do All Things Possess Awareness?


In An Essay on Man, the eighteenth-century British poet Alexander Pope offers a succinct formulation of an age-old philosophical doctrine about reality. This doctrine, which Arthur Lovejoy refers to as the “great chain of being,” maintains that existence is hierarchi- cal and organically linked, structured as it is upon the descending degrees of being. Reality begins with and proceeds from God, the Supreme Being, and ends in the most minuscule and discrete kinds of beings. Each thing in the cosmos, including the cosmos itself, forms a vital link with the other parts of this great chain. In Pope’s words..

Rajab Ali Tabrizi Refutation of Sadrian metaphysics

Amongst the most formidable opponents of the metaphysics of Mulla
Sadra (d, 1045 AH/1636 or 1050 AH/1640) during the Safavid period was
his student and son-in-law ‘Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji (d. 1071 AH/1661-2).’
Unlike Muhsin Fayd Kashani (d, 1091 AH/1680),’ Sadras other son-in­
law and student, Lahiji’s writings were primarily within the tradition
of post-Avicennian Islamic philosophical theology. This is best
evidenced in his critique of Sadras principal and innovative doctrine
of substantial motion (al-/iarakah al-jawhariyyah). One of Fayd and
Lahiji’s disciples, the major Safavid philosopher and mystic Qa<;li Sa’id……………..


Rajab Ali Tabrizis Refutation Of Sadrian

God is Absolute Reality and All Creation is His Tajalli (Theophany)

One can hardly avoid the conclusion that as long as religion was central to human life,
there was no ecological crisis even if there were minor degradations of the natural envi­ronment…


The Influence of Rene Guenon in the Islamic World

Although the impact of the teachings of Rene Guenon
upon the Occident has not been studied fully, at lease
there exist a number of studies concerning the far­
reaching influence of his seminal writings in a number of
European countries. Such is unfortunately not the case when
one turns to the Islamic world………………


Spiritual Chivalry


IT IS NOT  POSSIBLE to discuss Islamic spirituality :Without dealing with
that spiritual reality which is called futuwwah in Arabic and jawan  mardi
in Persian and which can be rendered into English as “mystical
youth” or spiritual chivalry………………

Purification of the Heart:Translation and Commentary of Imām Mawlūd’s Maṭharat al-Qulūb by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Purification of the Heart, Translation and Commentary of Imām Mawlūd’s Maṭharat al-Qulūb by Hamza Yusuf