Tag Archive for: Sufi

Made in God’s Image: A Contemporary Sufi Commentary on Surat al-Insan by the Moroccan Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari

Abstract: “The Karkariyya is a contemporary branch of the Shādhilī Sufi order (ṭarīqa) founded by Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari (b. 1974) in 2007 in the small northeastern Moroccan town of el-Aruit,near the coastal city of Nador.Despite its humble beginnings,the Karkariyyahas established itself as one of Morocco ’s most dynamic centers for the dissemination of Sufi teachings. It is based in a large Sufi lodge ( zāwiya) that accommodates thousands of visitors throughout the year and houses dozens of male and female resident disciples (mutajar-ridīn) who live with the Shaykh for extensive periods of rigorous spiritual training. The order’s largest branches are presently located in France, Algeria, Tunisia, and Oman, with a growing presence in various cities of Morocco, West Africa, and North America.The Karkariyya’s active outreach on social media platforms has contributed to its growth from a local Moroccan order to an internationally diverse, multicultural, and multilingual network of Sufi seekers”

The Spirituality of the Sufi Path – William C. Chittick


I understand Sufism as a dimension of  the Islamic tradition that stresses the need to undergo spiritual transformation. Those who wanted to achieve transformation typically undertook specific practices and disciplines known as the Ṭarīqa (al-ṭarīqa), “the Path,” one of the words by which Sufism was commonly designated. Many guides on the Ṭarīqa never put pen to paper and were remembered only because of  their influence on contemporaries or later generations. Others entered into the ranks of  the most prolific authors of Islamic history. The primary literature is vast and extends into the modern period, with many Sufi teachers active today (Chittick 2000). Any attempt to survey the major branches of  the Ṭarīqa, not to speak of  the famous authors, would go far beyond the bounds allotted to this chapter. I can only hope to describe in barest terms the theory and practice of  the Sufi path as explained in classical texts.

From the Periphery to the Center – Journal of World Philosophies


This article recounts one contemporary Muslim philosopher’s journey into the discipline of philosophy, detailingthe importance of diversifying the study of philosophy to take it beyond its Anglo-American and Eurocentric boarders along the way.

How to Do Hindu-Muslim Dialogue – Seyyed Hossein Nasr with Project Noon

Project Noon represents an interfaith quest for meaning in the modern world. Engaging leading scholars and academics on Indic – Hindu, and Muslim – traditions through extended podcasts, in-depth essays, and book and film reviews.

All Muhammad, All the Time: Shaykh Ibrāhim Niāsse’s Prophetic Poetics of Praise in Three Treatises and Poems – Oludamini Ogunnaike


“Contemporary poet and scholar Joshua Bennett recently wrote, “If black studies is indeed the rewriting of knowledge itself, an ongoing critique of so-called Western civilization—as Wynter and Robinson and others remind us—then poetry will be absolutely essential. Like the field of black studies more broadly, the teaching of black poetry is not simply additive nor is it a niche concern. Historically poetry is at the center of black social and intellectual life.”

La gran cadena de laconciencia:Todaslas cosas poseenconciencia? –

Dr. C. Mohammed RustomProfesor de Pensamiento Islámico enla Universidad de Carleton, Canadá Traducción Karen Martnez García

Chinese Islam with Professor Naoki Yamamoto
