Sufism and Quranic Ethics – Atif Khalil


The Qur’ān lies at the heart of Muslim spirituality, and provides the fount and wellspring for its doctrines and practices. To the extent that classical Islam as a whole was animated in both form and spirit by its central Scripture, all the way from law and ritual to theology and the arts, it would only be natural to find its reverberations running throughout its mysticism as well.Indeed, some of the most influential literary expressions of Sufism, ranging from Ghazālī’s (d. 1111) Iḥyā’ ‘ūlum al-dīn (Reviving the Religious Sciences) to Rūmī’s (d. 1273) Mathnawī-i ma‘nawī (Couplets of Inner Meaning), took on the form of commentaries of the holy text, albeit in a different key, not unlike medieval Jewish works that were often analogously rooted in th Torah. “Everything of which we speak in our meetings and in our writings,” Ibn Arabī (d. 1240) would write, “comes from the Qur’ān and its treasures.”