Devil’s Advocate: ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s Defence of Iblis in Context – Mohammed Rustom


The writings of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt Hamadānī (d. 525/1131) anticipate some of the major trends that characterize the post-Avicennan ḥikmat tradition. But modern scholarship has as of yet not completely come to grips with the far-reaching implications of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s teachings, many of which are framed in terms of the symbolic language and imagery of the Persian Sufi school of passionate love (madhhab-i ʿishq) and the defence of the devil’s monotheism (tawḥīd-i Iblīs). The focus in this article will be upon this lat- ter aspect of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s Sufi doctrine. Upon closer inspection, his “Satanology” (for lack of a better term) turns out to not only be concerned with a defence of the devil as a tragic, fallen lover of God; it is also intimately related to our author’s robust theodicy, as well as his theory of human freedom and constraint. At the same time, ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s defence of Iblis demonstrates his understanding of philosophical and theological discourse as themselves symbolic representations of another, higher form of being and knowing.

Devil's Advocate (SI 115.1, 2020)

Review of Kaukua, Self-Awareness in Islamic Philosophy – Mohammed Rustom

Review Of Kaukua, Self-Awareness In Islamic Philosophy (JAOS 138.1, 2018)

Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy:Mullā Ṣadrā on Existence, Intellect, and Intuition –


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Review Of Kaukua, Self-Awareness In Islamic Philosophy (JAOS 138.1, 2018)

Some Pointers and Reminders in Islamic Studies – Mohammed Rustom


Below are pointers and reminders (in no particular order) on how to go about navigating one’s way through the various stages of academic
life in Islamic Studies. This document is intended for those who are training to be in, or are already in, the profession. Although in my own words,
many of the items listed below are rephrased from counsel given by teachers and friends over the years.

Some Pointers And Reminders In Islamic Studies (AJIS 37.1-2, 2020)

Storytelling as Philosophical Pedagogy:The Case of Suhrawardī – Mohammed Rustom


“Amongt the writings of Shihābal-Dīn Suhrawardī(d.587/1191),the founder of the School of Illumination and a key figure in post-Avicennan Islamic philosophy, are a series of visionary tales. In the context of each of these narratives, Suhrawardī employs numerous symbolic images in order to convey several key ideas that punctuate his philosophy. Given their concrete language, these tales add a dimension of depth not easily discernible in Suhrawardī’s strictly speaking philosophical works, given the latter’s reliance upon abstract language.”

Storytelling As Philosophical Pedagogy (Knowledge And Education In Classical Islam, 2020)

On Listening: Hearing God’s Voice in the Face of Suffering – Mohammed Rustom


“Nearly a decade ago, I delivered a lecture which was part of a monthly philosophy colloquium series hosted by the philosophy department at my University. Unlike most of if not every other paper delivered in the series, my topic had to do with a non-European philosophical tradition—Islamic philosophy. The title of the lecture was on death and dreaming in Islamic philosophy, and this I suspect was the reason so many people had attended—professors and students alike. After all, we all dream, and we all experience death in one way or another, so the title would quite naturally speak to diverse kinds of people.”


The Ocean of Nonexistence – Mohammed Rustom


In this article, I would like to offer some remarks on what Rumi has to say about love. What, in other words, is it? From his perspective,inquiring into the nature of love can only give one partial answers,since the very inquiry into what love is entails a partial question. The easiest way for Rumi to explain what love is, is by saying that we will know what it is when we get there. Consider these lines:


Everything Muhammad: The Image of the Prophet in the Writings of ‘Ayn al-Qudat – Mohammed Rustom


It is well-known that Rumi (d. 1273) was a great lover of the Prophet Muhammad. This is best typified in such verses as the ones with which the present article begins. Given our knowledge of the devotion to the Prophet that we find in Rumi’s writings and in the works of many other Sufi authors, I would here like to discuss the views of another major devotee of the Prophet. His name was Abu’l Ma‘ali ‘Abd Allah al-Miyanji,and is most commonly known as ‘Ayn al-Qudat Hamadani……


The End of Islamic Philosophy – Mohammed Rustom


Islamic traditional teachings are couched in a language which is not easily understood by many contemporary men, especially those with a modern education. The old treatises were usually written in a syllogistic language which is no longer prevalent today. What must be done is to disengage the content of Islamic philosophy from the language which is now not well received and to present it in terms more conformable to the intellectual horizon of our contemporaries. What is needed essentially is a re-presentation of the whole body of Islamic wisdom in a contemporary language. Thus those who seek for various problems the solution offered by this form of wisdom will find it without the barrier of unfamiliar language or thought structure…..


Ayn al-Quḍāt between Divine Jealousy and Political Intrigue – Mohammed Rustom


Modern scholars have been interested in the great Persian Sufi martyr ʿAyn al-Quḍāt Hamadānī (d. 525/1131) for over six decades. Despite this fact, many aspects of his life and thought still remain terra incognita. Our knowledge of the circumstances surrounding his death is a case-in-point. Although we have a fairly good understanding ofthe factors which led to ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s demise, there are other “causes” which simultaneously complement and problematize this understanding. Chief amongst these are the underlying reasons for ʿAyn al-Quḍāt’s critique of the Seljuk government, as well as something which ʿAyn al-Quḍāt saw as a more subtle cause for his death several years before his anticipated state execution.….


The Door Of Mercy Kenan Rifai And Sufism Today

Actionless Action
Mohammed Rustom

It has indeed been a blessing to sit with the great Kenan Rifai’s com­
mentary upon book one of Mevlana’s Mesnevi Spending time with this
book naturally led me to Kenan Rifai’s explanation of a famous tale in
the centered around ‘Ali b. Abi Talib. The tale is retold from………
(link below)

Actionless Action (Door Of Mercy, 2017)

Islam in English