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Entries by simar
Remembering Toshihiko Izutsu: Linguist,Islamicist, Philosopher – Atif Khalil
Abstract: “The publication of this Festschrift in honor of Professors William Chittick and Sachiko Murata coincides with the 30-year death anniversary of Toshihiko Izutsu, who was one of their teachers and one of the most remarkable scholars of Islam of the last century. Like Henry Corbin (d. 1978), with whom he forged a close friendship, […]
A Scholar in the Shadow: Essays in the Legal and Theological Thought of Ibn Qayyim al-Gawziyyah, Oriente Moderno 90, 1 (2010)
Abstract: “When strolling through the buzzing Muslim book markets at Friday prayer services, one is immediately struck by the persistent presence of Ibn Qay-yim al-ßawziyyah’s (d. 751/1350)writings paraded on the packed shelves of the market bookstalls. Ibn Qayyim al-ßawziyyah’s books, in multiple sizes and formats, in tacky colorful and flowery covers, as well as in […]
Revisiting 1967: the false paradigm of peace, partition and parity -Ilan Pappé
Abstract: “This article argues that when the paradigm of settler colonialism is applied to the Israeli policy towards the occupied territories it provides a satisfying explanation for why the present and hegemonic paradigm of peace is a charade that will lead to nowhere. The article examines this paradigm as an outcome of both Zionist ideology […]
Creating Harmony Through Tradition in Japan – Matthew Teller
Abstract: The tea ceremony is a marker of Japanese traditional culture, refined over centuries so that every aspect has significance, from the room setting and the arrangement of flowers to the calibrated movements of the tea master in preparing and serving the brew. Yet despite his skill, Yamamoto is not a tea master. A professor […]
Introduction: Knowledge, Power, and the “Settler Colonial Turn” in Palestine Studies – Ilan Pappe
Abstract: This special issue presents articles on the topic of “Settler Colonialism in Palestine,” covering conceptual and empirical, historical and contemporary, as well as literary, legal and political aspects of the debate. All articles examine the validity and applicability of the settler colonial paradigm to the context of Palestine (West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, […]
The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine – Ilan Pappe
Abstract: This article, excerpted and adapted from the early chapters of a new book, emphasizes the systematic preparations that laid the ground for the expulsion of more than 750,000 Palestinians from what became Israel in 1948. While sketching the context and diplomatic and polit- ical developments of the period, the article highlights in particular a […]
Realizing Islam: The Tijaniyya in North Africa and the Eighteenth-Century Muslim World – Zachary Valentine
Abstract: Studies on eighteenth-century Islamic intellectual history tend to highlight the Wahhabi movement or “fundamentalist” movements. Few studies oer insights into less understood—though by no means less influential scholarly currents. One such book is Zachary Valentine Wright’s Realizing Islam The Tijaniyya in North Africa and the Eighteenth-Century Muslim World Focusing on the knowledge production of the modern Tijani Sufi order—one of the […]