Entries by simar

Why should we study Islamic Psychology – Amber Haque

This is an outline of my talk at the first Islamic Psychology Seminar in Paris, May 12, 2024. The question “why” is essential because it helps us gain new knowledge and make better decisions. It all boils down to understanding and staying true to our faith, identity, and purpose in this life and aſterlife while […]

Ibn Arabi on the Ontology of Trust – William C. Chittick

Abstract: In a world where people often relegate God to the realm of illusion and look on “trust in God” as a psychological crutch, tospeak about trust as an actual dimension of reality must seem odd. People would rather imagine that trust is something we should have in our favorite ideology, or perhaps science, or […]

Life after Life: Mullā Ṣadrā on Death and Immortality.” Religious Studies (Cambridge), 60 (2023): 104-116 – Muhammad U. Faruque

Abstract: The purpose of this article is twofold: first, I will reconstruct Mullā Ṣadrā’s complex arguments for the soul’s immortality based on its immaterial nature. Second and finally, I will briefly probe and assess various epistemological and metaphysical objections against Ṣadrā’s immaterialist conception of the soul. Ṣadrā contends that our bodily death marks an awakening […]

Secularization and Commercialization of Rumi – Rasim Basak

Abstract: Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi 1207 – 1273) has been a universal figure for people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. He has been recognized as a literary and spiritual figure. Rumi’s philosophy is rooted to an understanding of universe and existence through love. Love is the whole thing and we are the pieces. In the […]

Al-Daghistani, R. (2023): “Tawwakul and rajāʾ The Concepts of Trust and Hope (in God) from an Islamic-Mystical Perspective”

Abstract: This article illustrates the concepts of trust (tawakkul) and hope (rajā’) from an Islamic- mystical perspective. To do so, I will first reflect on the term »Islamic mysticism« and methodologically question its legitimacy. Given this background I will then approach the term »Sufism« (taṣawwuf) and try to briefly highlight its main character as a […]

The Integration of the Soul – Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Abstract: What do we mean by integration? Not only do I want to pose this question from the point of view of Sufi metaphysics, but also of other forms of metaphysics as well. Oneness in its absoluteness belongs to the Abso lute alone. It is only the One who is ultimately one. This is not […]

The Listening of the Soul – Zaid Shakir

Maulvi in meditation, Indischer Maler, ca. 1630 Islam holds humans to be a special creation. Ennobled by God, they are His vicegerent on earth and look forward to a sublime destiny. Their ancestor Adam was the exalted creature in whose direction God ordered the angels to prostrate, even while his splendor drew the envy of […]

Some Notes on Ibn Arabi’s Correlative Prophetology – The “Veil of Glory”: Perplexity (ḥayra) and Revelation in the Qurʾānic Hermeneutics of Ibn ʿArabīSome Notes on Ibn Arabi’s Correlative Prophetology – Gregory Vandamme

Abstract In this paper, I discuss Ibn ʿArabī’s view on the nature of the Qur’ānic text, as it appears through its relation to the central notion of “perplexity” (ḥayra). My aim is to show how the Shaykh al-Akbar uses this notion to define the peculiar nature of the Qur’ānic language and its very purpose, and […]

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Women in Hadith Literature: Oxford Handbook of Islam and Women – Feryal Salem

Abstract: Ḥadīth literature is rich with its references to women from the ancient past as well as those from the Prophet Muḥammad’s contemporary period. A study of the way in which women are portrayed and referenced in ḥadīth texts provides a unique glimpse into the roles women played for the narrators of these prophetic traditions. […]