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Entries by simar
A MANIFESTO on the New Character of the Language of Religion – Necmettin Şahinler Translation: Aslı Yıldırım
Abstract: I have been thinking about the necessity for a new approach to the language of religion for quite some time now. The term “language,” as it is used here, is not meant to refer to the spoken language that allows us to communicate and understand each other in our daily lives. Rather, it is […]
From Aslamat al-Ma’rifa to al-Takāmul al-Ma’rifī: A Study of the Shift from Islamization to Integration of Knowledge
Over the past half-century, the study of Islam in the Muslim world has been preoccupied with three global projects: maqāṣid al-sharīᶜa (the higher objectives of revealed law), al-wasaṭiyya al-islāmiyya (Islamic moderation), and aslamat al-maᶜrifa (Islamization of knowledge). Of these three, the latter has been the most substantial enterprise due to its ambitious work plan, extensive […]
Ibn Khaldūn Between Legal Theory and Legal Practice – Mourad Laabdi
Beyond his prevailing reputation as an historian of imposing stature, Abd al-RaAm:n Ibn Khald<n (d. 808/1406) was recognized by his contemporaries for his mastery of several other scholarly domains. A close friend and rival, Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib(d. 776/1374), attributed to him books on logic and arithmetic, a commentary on a poem he had written […]
La Grande chaîne de la conscience – Par Mohammed Rustom
Dans son Essai sur l’homme, le poète britannique Alexander Pope proposait au XVIIIèsiècle une formulation succincte d’une ancienne doctrine philosophique de la réalité. Cette doctrine, à laquelle Arthur Lovejoy a donné le nom de “grande chaîne des êtres,” soutient que l’existence est une structure organique, entremêlée et hiérarchisée, reposant sur les degrés décroissants d’états de […]
Sažetak: U ovom nevelikom tekstu Mohammed Rustom, redovni profesor islamskih nauka na Carleton univerzitetu(Kanada), upućuje savjete koji su u vezi s napredovanjem kroz različite faze akademskog života u islamskimnaukama. Često su ti savjeti iz praktičnog domena zbog čega onome ko se osposobljava kao proučavalac mogubiti od iznimne koristi, naročito studentima islamskih nauka. Pažljivom čitaocu neće […]
Armando Montoya Jordán’s Review of Orfali, Khalil, and Rustom (eds.), Mysticism and Ethics in Islam (Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies, 2024)
Is the science of ethics entirely separate from mysticism, or might mysticism be the foundation of ethics? Or, conversely, might mysticism be the fruit of a higher ethics? these and other such questions come to the fore in a variety of ways in this important volume, a commendable attempt to produce a historical and conceptual […]
Why Self-Care Is Not Enough: The Nature of True Well-Being – Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
The notion of self-care—like its precursor, self-help—has emerged due to a spiritual vacuum in the contemporary world. The burgeoning mental health crisis that is prevalent today appears inseparable from the broader existential predicament facing humanity. Mainstream psychology and its therapies have not been able to address these challenges, in response to which we have seen […]
Metaphysical Institutions: Islam and the Modern Project – Caner K Dagli
What is real, possible, and good when it comes to human beings thinking together about the real, the possible, and the good? In this book, these ultimate questions will be explored on their own terms, and will be made particular through a question that is often limited to history, anthropology, and religious studies, namely, “What […]
The Cosmo-Eschatology of Saints and Mahdis. In Sufi Cosmology, Handbook of Sufi Studies Vol. 2, eds. Alexander Knysh and Christian Lange. Leiden: Brill, 2022:250-274
“As discussed in Chapter 1 of this volume, Sufi thought on the structure of the cosmos is deeply intertwined with ideas about death, the end of the world, and the afterlife, giving rise to what can be termed a Sufi cosmo-eschatology. Drawing on various aspects of the Qurʾān and ḥadīth, including the complex body of […]