Entries by simar

Sam’ani on the Secret of Love in Adam’s Felicitous Sin -William C. Chittick

Abstract: “does not follow the pattern of Arabic books in this common genre, for he avoids linguistic analysis and theological abstractions and instead spends most of his time addressing the repercussions of the divine names in the human soul. He makes constant use of imagistic language, poetry, anecdotes, stories of the prophets, accounts of Muhammad […]

History of Islamic Philosophy

Abstract: Islamic philosophy has often been treated as being largely of historical interest, and belonging to the history of ideas rather than to philosophical study. This volume successfully overturns such a view. Emphasizing the living nature and rich diversity of the subject, it• examines the main thinkers and schools of thought, from the earliest period […]

Storytelling as Philosophical Pedagogy:The Case of Suhrawardī – Mohammed Rustom

Abstract: “Amongt the writings of Shihābal-Dīn Suhrawardī(d.587/1191),the founder of the School of Illumination and a key figure in post-Avicennan Islamic philosophy, are a series of visionary tales. In the context of each of these narratives, Suhrawardī employs numerous symbolic images in order to convey several key ideas that punctuate his philosophy. Given their concrete language, […]

On Listening: Hearing God’s Voice in the Face of Suffering – Mohammed Rustom

Abstract “Nearly a decade ago, I delivered a lecture which was part of a monthly philosophy colloquium series hosted by the philosophy department at my University. Unlike most of if not every other paper delivered in the series, my topic had to do with a non-European philosophical tradition—Islamic philosophy. The title of the lecture was […]

The Ocean of Nonexistence – Mohammed Rustom

Abstract: In this article, I would like to offer some remarks on what Rumi has to say about love. What, in other words, is it? From his perspective,inquiring into the nature of love can only give one partial answers,since the very inquiry into what love is entails a partial question. The easiest way for Rumi […]

The End of Islamic Philosophy – Mohammed Rustom

Abstract: Islamic traditional teachings are couched in a language which is not easily understood by many contemporary men, especially those with a modern education. The old treatises were usually written in a syllogistic language which is no longer prevalent today. What must be done is to disengage the content of Islamic philosophy from the language […]

Ayn al-Quḍāt between Divine Jealousy and Political Intrigue – Mohammed Rustom

Abstract: Modern scholars have been interested in the great Persian Sufi martyr ʿAyn al-Quḍāt Hamadānī (d. 525/1131) for over six decades. Despite this fact, many aspects of his life and thought still remain terra incognita. Our knowledge of the circumstances surrounding his death is a case-in-point. Although we have a fairly good understanding ofthe factors […]