Bi’smi’Llah al-Rahman al-Rahim
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Welcome to! This website is intended to provide a repository of articles and lectures by leading scholars whose works span the spectrum of all traditional branches of Islamic knowledge, from metaphysics to theology to Islamic music and poetry.
This site is structured in a way that first introduces the notion of Traditional Islam, its implications, and on what grounds it rejects in principle the secular tenants of modernism. ‘Tradition’ in this case being the continuance of Islam from its Divine Origin, through the reality of the Prophet Muhammad (upon him be eternal Peace and Blessings) and passed on in an unbroken chain of transmission and dissemination through the temporal orders of time and space to the present, while at every moment being constantly connected to, and reinvigorated by that Divine Origin. (See What is Traditional Islam?)
The website then bifurcates the Islamic sciences into what are known as the Intellectual Sciences (those branches of knowledge that can be known and verified through the processes of intellection and ratiocination) and the Transmitted Sciences (the branches of faith that are passed on in an unbroken chain from teacher to disciple, taking their source from the teachings of the Prophet of Islam (upon him be eternal Peace and Mercy), and ultimately back to God).
The next section introduces the principles and expositions on the Sacred Arts of Islam from the loftiest of the Islamic arts, the recitation of the Holy Quran, to calligraphy to architecture to poetry and music.
Finally, recognizing that most Muslims around the world no longer live in an insular environment of a traditional Islamic ambiance, a section is provided addressing various approaches to the study and understanding of the plurality of religions, ranging from perspectives of comparative theology
The overarching structure of the website is designed to correspond to an overarching categorization of the many branches of the Islamic sciences. However, the site is designed in such a way that visitors can access any section they find their soul and intellect are in need of.
Our prayer is that this website be of benefit to all seekers of Divine Truth and Beauty . We ask God’s Forgiveness and Mercy for any shortcomings in this project, and pray for the greatest of gifts that He bestows, knowledge of Himself. ~Ameen~