Tag Archive for: Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr



“There is a well-known saying of’All ibn Abi ‘falib, the cousin and son-in­ law of the Prophet of Islam and representative par excellence of Islamic esoterism and metaphysics, according to which one should pay attention to what is said and not who has said it. This teaching has been close to my heart since my youth and rarely have I accepted to write something of an
autobiographical nature. But the Library of Living Philosophers requires a work of such a nature from the person with whose thought a particular volume is concerned. Therefore, with some reticence I tum to this task. Once”

Auxier, Hahn, And Stone (eds.), The Philosophy Of Seyyed Hossein Nasr

An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia 4


The series “An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia” is a massive multi-volume project that seeks to give coverage to Persia’s rich philosophical heritage, from its pre-Islamic past down to the end of the nineteenth century CE. Etymologically, the word “anthology” refers to a “gathering” or “selection” of flowers. The Persian sensibility to flora notwithstanding, it therefore makes perfect sense that the editors – both eminent scholars of Islamic philosophy – would choose such a format, which allows for the broadest possible presentation of a diverse range of materials. Indeed, when the fifth and final volume is published, the full series will present over

Review Of Nasr And Aminrazavi (eds.), An Anthology Of Philosophy In Persia 4 (ICMR 25.2, 2014)

God is Absolute Reality and All Creation is His Tajalli (Theophany)

One can hardly avoid the conclusion that as long as religion was central to human life,
there was no ecological crisis even if there were minor degradations of the natural envi­ronment…



Spiritual Chivalry


IT IS NOT  POSSIBLE to discuss Islamic spirituality :Without dealing with
that spiritual reality which is called futuwwah in Arabic and jawan  mardi
in Persian and which can be rendered into English as “mystical
youth” or spiritual chivalry………………


The Prayer of the Heart in Hesychasm and Sufism

The goblet revealing the universe is the heart of the perfeet
The mirror that reveals the Truth is in reality this heart.
The heart is the depository of the treasures of the Divine
Whatever you seek in the two worlds, ask the heart and you
shall attain it.
Shams al-Dïn Lâhïjï, Sharfa-i gulshan-i räz

The Prayer of the Heart in Hesychasm and Sufism (Nasr)

Religious Art, Traditional Art, Sacred Art: Some Reflections and Definitions – Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Religious Art - Traditional Art - Sacred Art

The Divine Word in Islamic Art – Seyyed Hossein Nasr

The Divine Word and Islamic Art

The Word of Allah is the origin and principle of Islamic art par excellence. Just as the Word descends from the unseen and unmanifest order to the visible and material realm, so too does the art that is based upon it descend from the ‘formless’ sonoral level to the formal visual plane. And just as the Word, once having entered the formal plane of calligraphy, ‘develops’ horizontally by becoming ever more complex, similarly Islamic art unfolds its diverse possibilities through the course of history and in numerous Muslim cultures. By continuously reaffirming the presence of the One in the many and Unity in diversity, Islamic art, through its multifarious forms, allows for all Muslims to gain access to the spiritual journey back to the Origin from which the Divine Word issues.

An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines

An Introduction to
Islamic Cosmological


This study opens up a relatively unexplored, hence unfamiliar,
aspect of Islam. The ~ajority of mo?ern Muslim ration~lists will no
doubt join in chorus with the formalist orthodox theologians to deny
that its subject can be identified with Islam “in any true sense.” But
their perspective is false. The theme of Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s study
is one no less vital than the tracing out of one line in the complex process
by which the Islamic Community gradually discovered its own
nature and habitat…………………………………………..




Islam and the Environment

The Qur’an addresses not only human beings, but also the cosmos. All creatures participate in Islam. It is much easier to be able to develop an environmental philosophy which will not be incongruent or artificial as if you would add an artificial tail to a donkey. It is part and parcel of the Islamic world view.”

Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr


Download the CBC Ideas with Paul Kennedy featuring Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr




Source: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/islam-and-the-environment-1.2914131