Tag Archive for: Atif Khalil

Remembering Toshihiko Izutsu: Linguist,Islamicist, Philosopher – Atif Khalil


The publication of this Festschrift in honor of Professors William Chittick and Sachiko Murata coincides with the 30-year death anniversary of Toshihiko Izutsu, who was one of their teachers and one of the most remarkable scholars of Islam of the last century. Like Henry Corbin (d. 1978), with whom he forged a close friendship, Izutsu saw himself first and foremost as a philosopher, and in his own particular case, as a “metaphysician of the word.”1 The designation symbolized both his fascination with language and a lifelong preoccupation with the nature of Being to the extent that it emerges as a Word (through the kun fa-yakūn, the creative fiat) out of the silence of the formless Absolute, Beyond Being, Non-Being, or Void. In conventional academic parlance, Izutsu might also be described as a philosopher of language, a designation not wholly inaccurate as long as we keep in mind the intricate, intimate relation he believed to exist between human speech, on the one hand, and Being as a repository of meaning, on the other

Review of Sufism and Deconstruction: A Comparative Study of Derrida and Ibn ‘Arabi by Ian Almond


When William C. Chittick published his encyclopedic Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-‘Arabi’s Metaphysics of Imagination almost thirty years ago, he made readily available to the English speaking world,for the first time, lengthy excerpts drawn primarily from the thirteenth century Andalusian thinker’s most comprehensive summation of Sufi thought in the Meccan Revelations. Chittick’s most significant contribu-tion, arguably, lay in the virtually unparalleled lucidity with which he introduced and translated a range of key passages authored by a medieval figure notorious for his often elliptical and allusive style of writing. This was a tremendous accomplishment for a single scholar, the full extent of which can be measured today by SPK’s standing as probably the most widely cited secondary source in the field of Ibn al-‘Arabi studies


In Search of the Lost Heart: Explorations in Islamic Thought


Arabic and Persian terms have been transliterated in accordance with the system employed by the (), with the following major exceptions: (1) no distinction is made in transliterating consonants shared between Arabic and Persian; (2) complete transliterations of book and article titles have been retained throughout; (3) in contexts where transliteration is not an absolute necessity (i.e., book/article titles and technical expressions), certain terms that appear on the word list, namely hajj, imam……


On Cultivating Gratitude (Shukr) in Sufi Virtue Ethics by Atif Khalil

Gratitude or shukr is one of the most central of Islamic virtues, the importance of which
is underscored by the fact that the defining notions of “faith” and “disbelief” revolve
around the pivots of shukr and kufr (= ingratitude). The article focuses on treatments of
the virtue within the Sufi tradition, and even here, with a concentration specifically on
the importance attached to its cultivation within the inner life of the spiritual aspirant……
(link below)

On_Cultivating_Gratitude_in_Sufi_Ethics – Khalil

The Embodiment of Gratitude (Shukr) in Sufi Ethics by Atif Khalil


It has been argued that in the tradition of Western ethics there have been
two general approaches to gratitude. There is first of all a view found mostly
among modern moral philosophers which treats the given virtue as a set of
feelings and attitudes. The grateful person is obliged first and foremost to sincerely
acknowledge the benefaction before anything else,to convey a sense of their debt.
The second view……..

Embodiment_of__Gratitude_in_Sufi_Ethics - Khalil

The Dialectic of Gratitude (Shukr) in the Non-dualism of Ibn al-ʿArabī by Atif Khalil


The role and function of gratitude or shukr in Islam has been a
topic that, until recently, has been the subject of little extensive
analysis.This is despite the central place of gratitude within the…..

Dialectic Of Gratitude In Ibn Arabi - Khalil